Services at our clinic
Acupuncture for pain, inflammation, and healing. In the practice of acupuncture we locate special points, areas of the body, or tissues that are involved in pain, or are indicated for treatment to restore health and well-being. The points are stimulated with extremely thin needles which are especially designed for acupuncture, offering a gentle and comfortable treatment experience.
In the case of chronic pain, it has been shown that many cases which x-rays reveal some pathology such as degenerative disc disease, bulging disc, osteoarthritis, etc., that the source of pain can often be traced to tension, or imbalance in the muscular system. A physical assessment is performed, and the tissue lesion(s) are located, which often form knots or bands called a “trigger points” that are involved in your pain. Using Electroacupuncture (EAC) with 2-4 needles placed into the flawed muscles, we gently vibrate the needles releasing the chronic spasm, reducing pain, increasing blood circulation, among the many benefits (See the Acupuncture Science tab above for more information). Electroacupuncture offers an enhanced element to treatment. The EAC device is connected to the needles, which will make the needles gently and painlessly vibrate. This vibration has an anti-spasmodic effect and will work to release the tension in these taut muscles, while also inducing the delivery of endogenous opiates to help mediate the discomfort. Usually, within 2-3 visits you will experience relief from your pain. There are some conditions that respond more slowly, but in typical cases within 4 visits we will know your rate of response, and whether acupuncture can be of benefit to you. Today it is now quite common to see acupuncture being offered in all the major hospitals in the United States, as well as being a vital part of most integrated approaches to healthcare in America. Acupuncture has become so popular due to its safety and effectiveness that it is now the leading new therapy offered by Physical Therapist (in that setting called dry needling) and by many dentists for pain control. Unique to acupuncture practiced by licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) is the exclusive use of the Electroacupuncture (EAC) device; only an L.Ac. or M.D. can legally perform EAC in California. |
Chinese herbal medicine has been prescribed and refined for many centuries. The first herbalist in Chinese history is Shennong, who is said to have researched hundreds of herbs and recorded his findings. The Shennong Emperor’s Classic of Materia Medica, the first Chinese manual on pharmacology, lists more than 365 medicines and dates to the 1st century A.D. during the Han Dynasty. Many Chinese herbs used could be quite common or familiar to you. Some of them include ginseng (Ren Shen), cinnamon (Rou Gui), and ginger (Sheng Jiang). The basic concept of Chinese medicine is to promote and maintain a balance in your body (Homeostasis). Each herb or herbal formula can influence your body in one direction or another, often referred to as balancing the bodies Yin and Yang. Chinese herbal medicine is especially effective in treating chronic and stubborn conditions.
"I had chronic knee pain when I first went to see Dr. LeBlanc. His treatments quickly took care of my knee issues. From the very first visit I felt great, and I remember going for a long hike the next day with no pain issues which was amazing. Whenever my knee starts to act up, which is now pretty infrequent, I go in for a "tune up." The treatments have an immediate effect and any pain or stiffness in my knee goes away during the treatment itself (his use of electro stim, which is painless and non-intrusive is especially helpful). I am grateful for his help."
-Mark B. J.D., Esq. 10/01/22 |